
Resources for parents and caregivers

Cradle to K

Register for Kindergarten

Fatherhood initiative

35 Fun Activities for Preschoolers

Transition to Pre-K

Caregiver Resources

Transition to Kindergarten


Cradle to K


An initiative of Head Start led by Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome, Cradle to K, supports Baton Rouge parents by connecting them to a network of local resources and parent communities. The ultimate vision of Cradle to K is to equip parents with the support and tools to be confident as they raise their children and prepare them for kindergarten.

Cradle to K’s vision is rooted in the initiative’s three parenting pillars—patience, curiosity, and conversation—and the belief that by providing parents opportunities to authentically reflect and engage with other caregivers, they will develop daily habits with their children that remind them to think critically about what it means to be a parent in today’s world.

Fatherhood Initiative

Fatherhood Initiative Resources

National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse: The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse is an Office of Family Assistance (OFA) funded national resource for fathers, practitioners, programs/Federal grantees, states, and the public at-large who are serving or interested in supporting strong fathers and families.

National Fatherhood Initiative: Fatherhood programs and resources for human service organizations and beyond. Involving fathers in human service programs doesn’t have to be difficult. Our research and evidence-based programs and services give you the tools and training you need to be more father-inclusive.

National Center for Fathering: Strengthening Fathers And Serving Leaders: The National Center for Fathering (NCF) has provided tools, research and support for fathers and leaders around the world since 1990.

Fathering LibraryWelcome to the fathering library. On the left you will see how our blogs and articles are categorized. Choose your stage in the fathering journey under Your Kids, click on a specific situation that applies to you, or browse through the items in our hot topics and fathering fundamentals. Also, check out Tools for the Journey – short downloadable pieces with tips for specific challenges.

Fatherville: is an online resource ONLY that supports, encourages, and challenges fathers in every stage of fatherhood.’s mission and goal is to encourage men to become better fathers through the exchange of ideas. This exchange can take place in a number of ways: via the online forum, written essays and contributed articles from other fathers. The mission of is to help fathers develop positive relationships with their children and to help them understand the importance of their presence in the lives of their children. At Fatherhood First, fathers are offered father/child activities (both in group and individual settings), one-on-one case management classes for new and expectant fathers, and male involvement meetings to families within our community. makes these same resources and activities available to Head Start programs nationwide.

All Pro Dad ChaptersA monthly gathering at school where dads and kids engage in meaningful conversation and activities centered around a character-based curriculum.

father son play lg

Transition to Pre-K

Supporting Families to Transition to Pre-K This Fall with a High-Impact, Low-Lift Family Engagement Curriculum

The City of Baton Rouge Parish | East Baton Rouge Parish | Head Start Program knows that learning achievement increases when families are involved in their children’s education. But with so much already on their plates, providing families with guidance on supporting their children can be a heavy lift.  In our Partnership with Ready4K, we are making this easy!

Ready4K is an evidence-based family engagement curriculum. With one click, students and families enrolled in Head Start and on the waiting list receive an easy, standard-aligned, age-appropriate ongoing resource of tips, information, and activities 52 weeks a year. NO teacher involvement is needed.

Research shows that Ready4K can result in 2–3 months of additional growth over a school year. With our robust activity tracking, family engagement surveys, and an end-of-year impact report, you can see the impact anytime.

Transition to Kindergarten

To continue the students learning this summer each of the 256 students transitioning received a school readiness backpack, designed to assist them in maintaining or gaining developments that prepares them to be successful in school.

Students returning to Head Start were also provided readiness materials for their transition back into their second year of Head Start for the new school year.

Each backpack contained supplies and materials that help children develop the skills needed to succeed in school. Materials included a three-month calendar filled with activities for students to do each day, supplies for counting, sorting, identifying letters, tactile number cards, counting links, foam letters, and a journal for drawing and writing.

Looking for fun activities this summer to keep your 4-year-olds busy and entertained at home! 

Find a list of 31 easy-to-do activities that your 4-year-olds will love.

Activities, aren’t they – the best way to keep kids occupied for a long time while you can get the time you need to get your work done?

They can help a child escape boredom, learn some new skills, keep them engaged, get you the much-needed quiet time for yourself, and finally, it can help you bond with your kids and help escape sibling rivalry.

All these educational activities for toddlers at home have a few things in common.

  • Requires minimal setup
  • Can be easily done with stuff lying around at home
  • Teach your kids important life skills
  • Keep them engaged at least for a couple of hours

Important skills that your kids will learn through these activities!

  • Sensory skills
  • Fine motor skill development
  • Creativity
  • Physical strength
  • Analytical thinking

This  Activity Calendar for Families has EVERYTHING in this calendar geared toward helping you and your child be more prepared for Kindergarten.

The activities are about making strong connections between your family and your child’s schools.

They highlight research-based ideas for how to work together to help children get ready for kindergarten. Each month you can choose from activities that are organized into three groups:

Goals Related to Preschool Activities: 

  • Build a positive relationship with the educator.
  • Set goals with the educator to make sure your child will be ready for kindergarten.

Goals Related to Family Activities: 

  • Spend time together having fun with stories and books.
  • Turn family routines into opportunities for learning.
  • Use community resources to discover more ways to learn.

Goals Related to Kindergarten Activities: 

  • Become familiar with the new kindergarten, including the school, the early learning setting, and the educators.
  • Help the new educator get to know your child and family.

It’s simple! 

  • First, write in the number for each day of the month.
  • Ask your child to help and make the calendar their own.
  • Choose the activities that are best for you and your family each month.

Register for Kindergarten

  • Head Start families transitioning to Kindergarten – be sure to register your child for Kindergarten.
  • Please click the link below for the East Baton Rouge Parish Schools across the city:

Requirements for registrations

  • Child’s birth certificate
  • Up-to-date shot record
  • Two proofs of residency
  • Parent or guardian ID

Program Options

Not sure what schools are in your attendance zone?

35 Fun Summer Activities for Preschoolers 

It can be challenging if you’re preparing a year or a week of activities for your 3-year-old preschoolers. Not only does one have to focus on the right curriculum but also on finding engaging activities for students of all levels and learning abilities.

Planning 3-4 activities lasting around 15 minutes each is the perfect way to incorporate the different educational activities into the summer day. A lot is happening throughout the preschool years, and being flexible should be #1 on the list!

This list provides activities that can be used quickly!

Click the link for 35 Fun Activities for 3-Year-Old Preschoolers During the Summer For Head Start Readiness

Child with a puzzle

Caregiver Resources

Caring for an infant or young child can sometimes feel overwhelming, and parents may need extra help and support. Caregivers who are stressed or depressed, for example, have fewer resources available to help them support and meet the needs of a growing child. The well-being of the adults who care for young children is critical: we need to attend not only to young children’s development but also to the behavioral health needs of their caregivers.

Adults caring for young children nurture healthy development and can be the first to detect emerging social, emotional, and behavioral issues.

About 1 in 6 children (ages 2-8 years) has a diagnosed mental, behavioral, or developmental disorder, including attachment and relationship disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Young children living in poverty, exposed to violence and other traumatic events, and living in families struggling with mental health or substance use challenges are at increased risk of developing mental health issues. This underscores how connected the well-being of young children is to the well-being of the adults who care for them. To nurture children’s healthy development, we also need to attend to the behavioral health needs of their caregivers.

The resources below provide information to help parents and caregivers during these times.

ACF Video Series on Early Childhood Social-Emotional Development and Mental Health and Caregiver Well-being: This short video series highlights the importance of robust social-emotional development and mental health support strategies within programs serving young children and their families.


    • Early childhood experiences can strengthen or disrupt a young child’s social, emotional, and cognitive development, with consequences that can last a lifetime. This video spotlights the importance of integrating support for the social-emotional development of young children and the well-being of their caregivers into all child—and family-serving programs.
    •  Why Does it Matter? Children’s Social and Emotional Development
    • Children will do well when adult caregivers are doing well and can promote and provide safe, nurturing, and responsive relationships.
    • Parent Well-being Matters video.


According to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), your child’s Local Education Agency (LEA) has an obligation called Child Find. Child Find requires LEAs to ensure that all students with disabilities who may be in need of special education and related services are identified, located, and evaluated. Parents and guardians may also request an evaluation to determine if their child is a child with a disability. If you are concerned that your child may have a disability, click here to contact the local school district or charter school for more information about the Child Find process.

Louisiana Educational Rights of Children with Disabilities

The Louisiana Department of Education developed this guide to help parents navigate the complex system that oversees special education in Louisiana’s public schools.


Dr. Drewery and the LSU AgCenter’s new Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) collaborated with The City of Baton Rouge | East Baton Rouge Parish | Head Start Program supporting our nutrition program and helping the community develop skills to make healthier choices that will lead to healthier diets. Using a hands-on approach, EFNEP focused on food-related practices to help participants achieve personal and family wellness. The nutrition education program was taught by peer educators who lived and work within our community. EFNEP delivered research-based teachings through a series of interactive direct-education lessons. Check out the exciting events held in the pictures below:


  • Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for news on CACFP educational opportunities and the CACFP Meal Pattern Minute reels.
  • All CACFP Meal Pattern Minute reels and their related blogs are housed on the National CACFP Sponsors Association website.